Samokov ??? 1910
Dear ??? older sister Rajna! If you could only know how saddened was
I when I found the letter I had prepared for you as early as one month
ago. Old sister Rajna please carry out/realize my last request: Send me
as soon as possible 8 dollars in order to "pla..." (card's end torn off)
(I guess it is "platja"=to pay) the clothes because "the ours" (an expression
in Bulgarian. Could mean "our parents", or "our relatives", etc.)
I will return them to you when I come to you.
But send them to me as soon as possible.
Mitko (Dimitir is second male from left) |
left column:
Here I send you a picture from the military
service from 15.IX.1916 to 15.IV.1917 in the Second Additional battery
in the town of Plovdiv.
You have regards for good health from Milosh
Sirleshtov. We with him are nowadays very close friends, we attend together
dancing parties and so on. All the time we are together"
right column:
"I wrote to you (? not sure in the reading)
that with Georgi Gogov Shishkov, with him we play one game of backgammon
every second day or every day.
My dear brother he is here now he wanted to
be appointed as a teacher but there are no vacant positions. ... (? from
Jasen Li- kov - he is now the barber, he [works, lives?] opposite to us
(our place)
Come on (not sure) ...and you call/write as
well." |
"For Dimitir Kolchagov"
"This is a excursion/trip in ... (can't read) Myself, ... (Mr.?) Nikolov
Todor Popov and Vassil (?not sure) in the summer of 1913 we were out (?not
sure) to ... (have a walk or something of that kind.
Cannot read it). I was their leader/guide.
Your (?) brother (?) Hristo. (he omits the end of the words here, it
seems) |
top left: "The men's bath"
top right: "The women's bath"
bottom: "Veljo's bath" ("Veljo" a personal name)
text to the left:
"Ludjene 19.I.1915
Regards from me to you and to all you there. We are OK for now. Write
to me what are you (singular "you") working/what kind of job you have (or
"what are you doing in general"). In which grade are you? Explain me everything
"for there" (i.e. around you)"
"With reg[ards] your older brother Lazar"
"D.G. Kolchagov
In America, the Upper quarter/neighbourhood"
About the baths - in the past people didn't have personal baths, but
there were public baths like those one the picture. I find it strange,
however, that there were separate baths for males and females. The usual
old practice (from Turkish times I think) was to have one bath but the
men and women used different days to visit it. I am not quite sure, although.
-V.K. |
It is quite a nice picture. It shows the main building of the Sofia
University, my alma mater. Nowadays, there are new wings built to the left
and the right and there is a staircase at the front so that the two statues
of sitting men (the two main sponsors of the university) you see in the
front are 2-3 metres up. Just to the left of this building is the National
Assembly, the parliament. -V.K.
"Sofija the "rectorate" ("the Rector's office")"
vertical text: "Here is our university in Sofija.
Magda" |
53 |
Front text is "Ladjene, Chepino district"
"Ladjene 30 Nov[ember] 1926 Year"
left: "Dear Mitko,
I haven't written to you since long ago but you also do not write/send
[even] a postcard from Niagara. My hands are already not as yours
As you are all (literal translation) let you be OK.
I wish you could take a picture of yourselves together with the
children in order to see
... (cannot read the vertical text)
right: "Riste ( Hristo) is OK and the
bride is OK now Sichanov is here in Ludzhene but he has grown very
old he barely walks but nowadays it is easy with a car ?it has a
lot of world/light? (probably some dialectal expression) About Ivanka How
possible could she be OK with these children. She has a lot of work. My
stomach is not healthy so that a littlebit to ... (do something) it to
catch? it is money Regards everybody and Ivanka and the children" |